▼⸿ooper Applied Technology.com
(TM SM R) Consultants & Pseudocode
developers---problem-solving Instructions & Rules written for Algorithms the basis of Artificial Intelligence (AI) &
sub-sets Machine Learning (ML) + AI powered robotics. Generative Artificial
Intelligence (GenAI), Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNN), Natural
Language Processing (NLP), computer systems, electronic devices and Social
Media Artificial Intelligence(AI) Algorithms revolution Detection &
Exposure of DeepFakes & Face Swapping in Social
Media -------------- emailto:
richardcooper@frontier.com or 5852561449 *no cookies here* |
Consultants & Pseudocode developers
for problem-solving
step-by-step list of instructions, rules &
source for
Algorithm programmers translate the pseudocode into a
required programming language &
coding logic for the algorithm’s specific
applications. Next the algorithm’s application is
tested to verify it
executes correctly & debug & fix any issues so
the algorithm programmer
finalize a working artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms
can instruct computer systems to learn to operate
on their own & make decisions by mimicking the cognitive functions
with human intelligence to see, understand to
respond to spoken & written language,
analyze data & make recommendations.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms
technology is revolutionizing social media mobile &
web based platforms for
individuals & organizations to interact & engage with each other.
Social Media is now where billions of users worldwide communicate daily to create &
exchange information
& ideas in virtual communities or networks.
are the basis of Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Sub-Sets
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the development of computer systems able to
tasks that normally require human
intelligence, such as visual perception, speech
decision-making & translation between languages with the use
algorithms, data & computational power.
2. Machine learning (ML) is a sub-set
of AI written by engineers for computer systems
& devices to use algorithms & statistical
models to analyze, draw inferences &
develop patterns from data to learn & adapt on their own
without following explicit instructions.
3. Humanoid robotics is a sub-set of ML
built to resemble the human body & programed
to use AI algorithms to perform professional
services, use human tools,
provide customer
services, inspection & maintenance services.
4. Generative AI (GenAI) is a sub-set of AI can generate new content
including text,
images, videos,
sounds, animation, 3D models, music, Q&A
summarizations & other types of information data. GenAI technologies
can mimic human
intelligence in nontraditional computing tasks like image
recognition, manipulate & comprehend
human language, respond to
conversations & complex subject matter.
GenAI is trained to use
neural networks
both unsupervised & semi-supervised.
For example, GenAL can learn English vocabulary & create a poem from
the words
it processes, develop
music, respond to chatbots, create media, product
development & design
& more the human mind can conceive.
5. Generative
Adversarial Network (GAN) a sub-set of ML & referred to as a neural
specially designed to imitate the structure
& function of the human brain. For this reason,
neural networks in machine learning (ML) are
referred to as artificial neural networks.
Convolutional neural
network (CNN) is a network architecture for deep learning that
learns directly from data, particularly
useful for finding patterns in images
to recognize objects, classifying audio,
time-series & signal data.
& Deception---D Day 1944
A crucial part of their preparations for D-Day 6 June 1944,
the Allies developed
a deception plan to
draw attention away from the Normandy Invasion,
code name “Operation
Fortitude” & part of a larger overall deception
strategy ”Operation Bodyguard”.
PLAN: misinformation & deception, fake radio traffic, decoy equipment
inflatable tanks and dummy landing craft, mimicked preparations for
a large-scale invasion for the Pas de Calais.
Lieutenant M.E. Clifton James an (Australian)
actor was employed who bore a
striking resemblance to impersonate British
General Bernard Montgomery.
James donned one of the general’s uniforms
& black berets & flew to Gibraltar on
May 26, 1944 & then to Algiers where
German intelligence was sure to spot him.
German Intelligence surmised that no attack
across the English Channel could be
imminent with the Allied general scouting the
Double agents delivered misinformation to the enemy to reinforce this deceit
before the Normandy
This misinformation
& deception and fake scheme saved thousands of allied lives.
DeepFakes Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI)
DeepFakes indicates that the media is
with algorithms,
generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) & generative
adversarial networks (GANs)
making images, videos, audios, voice & text difficult to distinguish from
human-generated media.
Creating fake media (propaganda) manually has been done over
many years but now by AI.
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
are neural learning networks specifically
designed to imitate
the structure & function of the human brain. GANs
two trained neural networks to
compete against each other to generate
quality fake media from given databases. One multilevel neural network
is for generating fake media & the second multilevel neural
network for
verifying generated fake media looks &
reads like real.
DeepFakes objective is
to fool the media viewer or a technology system
to create
discord, threatening an
organization’s brand, impersonating leaders, enabling
fake verification access to networks &
sensitive information just to mention a
few nefarious objectives.
Can you tell if It Real or
DeepFakes can be detected using AI Algorithms detection to analyze & compare
the media content to reference data to detect
& expose the media if it has been
AI manipulated into synthetic fake media.
Hints to spot a
We use several of
the following deepfake detection & exposure methods:
Facial and body
Facial Biometrics
Lip-sync detection
Inconsistent -- or
lack of -- eye blinking
reflections or shadowing
Pupil dilation
Artificial audio
Audio-Visual Synchronization
Face Swapping
Face Swapping
detection & exposure we learned with Adobe Photoshop in 1987
& then Photoshop Liquidity before
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) of today.
Adobe Photoshop developed Photoshop Liquidity
tool to detect
whether faces in photos were manipulated.
CNN uses a series of layers each of which detect different features &
patterns of an input image for comparison
& exposure of manipulated media.
Cooper Applied
Technology (USA,
family business) has transformed from an outdated inefficient analog company into a consultant
& development to deployment technology team for problem solving pseudocode instructions &
rules. The pseudocode is for Algorithm programmers to convert the
pseudocode instructions & rules into specific problem-solving algorithms that are
the basis throughout all areas of IT. I
acquired my practical & business technology knowledge & experience as a Director, CEO, CTO, VP,
employee of various companies before joining Cooper Applied Technology (SM
TM R). I
earned BS degrees in Accounting & Electrical Engineering at RIT,
MBA degrees in Finance & Economics at Syracuse University. Richard
Cooper CEO CTO ------------------------------- E-mailto:
richardcooper@frontier.com https://cooperappliedtechnology.com
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Applied Technology
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