⸿ooper Applied Technology.com   (TM SM R)


innovators & designers of problem-solving Psuedocode for algorithm programmers

Algorithms are the fundamental foundation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) & sub-sets

 Email: RichardCooper@frontier.com    V: 5852561449  

Cooper Applied Technology are innovators & designers of problem-solving pseudocodes

 that are a blueprint for algorithm programmers. Our pseudocode describes &

 clearly outlines the core logic & detailed step-by-step set of instructions for algorithm

 programmers to convert our pseudocode into binary & source language code for


Algorithm programmers use training models to refine & optimize the functioning of the

algorithm, verifying it’s code to execute correctly, debug &

update any issues before application.

 Algorithms are the fundamental functioning of Artificial Intelligence (AI) & sub-sets

e.g. Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP),

 Speech Recognition, Computer Vision, Expert Systems, Robotics,

 Reinforcement Learning & Neural Networks.

 Algorithms determine how social media platform content is filtered, ranked,

 selected & recommended to users. In various ways, algorithms influence

 our choices & what we see & hear on social media.


 Artificial intelligence is not human intelligence but machine intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms enable intelligent machines to be

 helpful personal assistants by learning, understanding, decision making,

  cognitive functions, to eliminate mundane tasks that

 normally require human intelligence.


Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) algorithms can analyze large

   amounts of data collected from various sources to generate

 new content. The generative AI’s new content can simulate text,

  images, videos, audios, stories, music, animation, 3D models

 & Q&A summarizations in response to user prompts.

 Generative AI (GenAI) is used by politicians in democracies, leaders in

  autocracies & dictators around the world to create misinformation &

 propaganda to manipulate decision making & opinion in their favor.


Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is a machine learning architecture

 where two neural networks, the "generator" & the "discriminator,"

 compete against each other to generate new realistic content.

 GAN can generate new content of ideas, conversations, stories, images, videos,

  music from any complex subject matter realistic quality generated output.


DeepFakes is synthetic media that has been digitally generated by employing &

 utilizing Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) algorithms.

DeepFakes are generated from the manipulation of media such as videos,

 images, audios, personal appearance, voice & behavior in a way

 that appears & sounds real.


Cybersecurity algorithms are essential to ensure an effective, secure,

   crucial authentication for e.g. Encryption, Digital Signature, Intrusion,

 Key Exchange, Access Control, Firewall, Filtering & Behavioral Analysis.

 Cybersecurity algorithms are designed to protect digital systems,

 networks  & data centers from unauthorized access, threats & attacks.



Cooper Applied Technology (USA, family business) has transformed from an outdated

inefficient analog company into a problem-solving digital solutions company designing pseudocode instructions for algorithm programmers to generate

binary & source language code for algorithms.

Algorithms are the fundamental foundation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) & sub-sets.

  I acquired my practical business knowledge & experience as a

Director, CEO, CTO, VP, employee of various companies before joining

Cooper Applied Technology.

I earned my BS degrees in Accounting & Electrical Engineering at RIT,

MBA degrees in Finance & Economics at Syracuse University.

Richard Cooper CEO  CTO  Cooper Applied Technology (SM TM R)


Email: RichardCooper@frontier.com    v: 5852561449

https://cooperappliedtechnology.com  *no cookies here*

Cooper Applied Technology  67 Willowcrest dr ste 1441

Rochester, NY 14618  USA

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